Establishing a Chapter

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Become A Member

AEP is committed to supporting students who are preparing to pursue careers in the environmental field. AEP strives to encourage students in their efforts to gain knowledge of the various environmental professions and network with environmental professionals in their field of expertise. Students represent the lifeblood of our profession. Their involvement with AEP at an early stage in their careers is invaluable to them for contacts in the environmental profession as well as the source for new, invigorating and motivated staff for our environmental consulting firms and public employment.

Starting a Student Chapter 

The following steps provide guidance on establishing an official AEP Student Chapter at a university:

  1. Contact the Student Outreach Director listed on the Board Member page to express interest and coordinate a strategy.
  2. Seek out a Faculty Advisor on campus to serve as a supervisor of chapter activities.
  3. Follow appropriate steps to have AEP Student Chapter recognized as an official campus organization. In most cases the process will include drafting a constitution or bylaws to govern how the Student Chapter will function.
  4. Following adoption by the Student Chapter membership and the University, a copy of the Student Chapter constitution or bylaws shall be forwarded to the local AEP Chapter Board by the Student Outreach Director.

Please see the Student Chapter Manual for more details on starting a chapter.

Funding for Student Chapters

Student Chapters are eligible for funding from both their local AEP Chapter Board and the State AEP Board. 

Local AEP Chapter Board funding is provided as an annual budget. Student Chapter activities must be presented and reviewed by the Faculty Advisor(s) and Student Director with input from the local AEP Chapter Board for approval and prior to any purchases. Student Chapters will be reimbursed for approved expenditures and will not maintain their own funds or accounts. In order to qualify for reimbursement, an expense report and all related receipts will be submitted to the local AEP Chapter Treasurer.

The AEP State organization provides financial support for approved Student Chapter activities through grants. The grants typically allow for funding between $500-$1000 depending on need. Local AEP Chapters may apply for a grant by submitting a detailed description of the proposed program to the State Student Outreach Committee. Please see the link below for a grant application template.