With over 400 attendees participating in 50 panel sessions, the 2017 AEP State Conference was one of the largest in the history of AEP. Sessions concluded on May 21st in San Francisco, after a successful four days of informative panel sessions, entertaining keynote speakers, and extensive networking opportunities, not to mention an awards program and two parties.
Conference highlights included a keynote breakfast speech on equity and empowerment by Lisa Gibson, Environmental Officer/Director of Environmental Planning for the City and County of San Francisco. The awards program, hosted by Brian Mooney, AICP, provided an entertaining and fast-paced overview of awards and key accomplishments. Scott Morgan, Director of the State Clearinghouse, and Deputy Director of the Governor's Office of Planning and Research, provided an overview of upcoming plans and programs addressing environmental planning at the state level. Other highlights included a great AEP Jam Band session on Thursday night and a lively party on Saturday night at the Press Club, hosted by AEP's local Bay Area chapter.
Many thanks to the following people, to whom we owe much of the conference's success: Lynne Bynder, AEP Administrator and Conference Coordinator; Ricky Caperton, State Board Director at Large, who organized the awards program; and the Local Host Committee: Steve Noack, Alan Murphy, Jonathan Hidalgo, Kansai Uchida, Louise Engel, Emma Rawnsley, Tanya Sundberg, Darcy Kremin, Christina Hirt, Alexis Whitaker, Antoinette Romeo, Christine Schnider, Justine Rembac, Samantha Thomas, Terri McCracken, Claudia Garcia, and the San Francisco Environmental Planning Department.
Updated March 16, 2020